
Volume Two Notebook One, Today Matters

EQUIP – Managing My Family, Thinking and Commitment
EQUIP – Managing My Family, Thinking and Commitment

Three more areas we must master in our personal growth are the management of our family, our thoughts,and the commitments we make as leaders.

EQUIP – Managing My Finances, Faith and Relationships
EQUIP – Managing My Finances, Faith and Relationships

In this session we will examine three issues that are discussed more in the New Testament than any other subjects: money,faith and relationships.

EQUIP – El día de hoy puede ser una obra maestra – cuaderno del estudiante
EQUIP – El día de hoy puede ser una obra maestra – cuaderno del estudiante

Las personas alcanzan el éxito en la vida cuando se enfocan en el día de hoy. Tal vez pueda sonarle trillado, pero hoy es el único tiempo que usted tiene. Para el ayer ya es demasiado tarde porque terminó anoche. No puede depender del mañana pues no sabe lo que le deparará. Esa es la razón por la que hoy es importante.

EQUIP – Managing My Generosity, Values and Growth
EQUIP – Managing My Generosity, Values and Growth

In this session, we will focus on three additional important items to manage in our lives: our generosity, our values and our personal growth.

EQUIP – Managing My Personal Growth
EQUIP – Managing My Personal Growth

If you are going to be an effective leader, you must first determine to lead yourself. If you are to lead yourself, you must continue to grow. Maintenance is not leadership. Growth and improvement is what leadership is about. All organizations or ministries that continue to grow have at least one quality in common: a leader who is growing personally