
Volume Two Notebook Four, Thinking For A Change

EQUIP – Focused Thinking and Creative Thinking
EQUIP – Focused Thinking and Creative Thinking

The focused thinker establishes priorities, knowing that one person cannot do everything. He drops some good activities in order to passionately embrace a cause that truly makes a difference. He refuses to be like a bumblebee, flitting from place to place, leaving a blur, but not a mark.

EQUIP – Possibility Thinking and Reflective Thinking
EQUIP – Possibility Thinking and Reflective Thinking

Leaders who embrace possibility thinking are capable of accomplishing tasks that most people consider impossible.

EQUIP – Popular Thinking and Shared Thinking
EQUIP – Popular Thinking and Shared Thinking

If you refuse to follow the crowd and insist on making decisions based upon what is right rather than what is popular, you will be quite unpopular at times. Why should you question popular thinking?

EQUIP – Unselfish Thinking and Bottom-Line Thinking
EQUIP – Unselfish Thinking and Bottom-Line Thinking

In this lesson, we are going to consider the last two thinking skills taught by John C. Maxwell in his book, Thinking for a Change.